Thursday, January 29, 2009

Funny Girl

This week has been full of some great Sidney commentary. Here are some of my favorites:
  • During Miss Hawaii's talent performance - "Mom that's a lot of shaking." Aloha!
  • I was laying on the couch reading a book and she came by very seriously and whispered, "Mom watch out for dragons!" Thanks for the heads up Sid!
  • I had made some paper dolls for her, and I told her we should give them names. The first one she named "Chloe." The second one she named "Dandy." Not sure where that came from, but it's her new favorite name. For the third one, she couldn't think of a name so she combined the first two and came up with "Clowndy." The new Brangelina!
  • We were naming her stuffed animals and she wanted to name 2 of her puppies "Perrito." I explained that we should give them different names so that we can tell them apart. She said, "Okay. This one is Perrito and this one is Dingy Perrito." Not only a name but an identity.
  • We've been working on brushing her teeth before we go too bed. I think that she's getting the idea because last night when I was brushing my teeth she yelled at me from her bedroom, "Be sure and get the ones at the back!" Colgate smiles all around.

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1 comment:

Meredith said...

How hilarious!!! You've got a little comedian on your hands!