Sunday, September 21, 2008

Disney Princesses Take over America

I just watched a video of Matt Damon comparing Sara Palin to a Disney Princess. He was trying to be insulting, but I think he missed the fact that America loves Disney Princesses. I mean would it really be that bad if a Disney Princess ran the country? Maybe not Snow White - the vibrato in her singing voice is terribly irritating. But a smile and a friendly "Hello!" might be just what the Middle East needs right now. The secret service would probably have trouble with the influx of rodents making fabulous, froofy dresses, but the 2009 Inaugural Ball would be magical! If I had to pick just one princess for President, I would probably go with Cinderella. She knows how to clean house, and I think that's what our government needs right now - a thorough scrub down. Cinderella's seen the tough life of the lower classes, but she still believes that everyone can have their dreams come true. So, Cinderella for President! Magical pumpkin coaches for all Americans!

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1 comment:

Rachel said...

rochelle, i thought this was hilarious and i told all my co-workers about it and today our lunch conversation was analyzing all of the disney princesses and deciding which one would be the best president - we decided pocohantas. :) i love and miss you lots!