Monday, May 05, 2008

And The Winner is........

I got the job in Cardiac Rehab!!!! I found out today and I'm super excited to be joining the department. I almost feel like it's too good to be true. I keep having to tell myself, "You deserve good things to happen to you! You are worth this!" My stress level is going to be cut in half and I'll now be home by 4:30 at the latest- instead of 9pm. It occured to me after I accepted the job that I'm going to have to start planning meals. I only cook at most 2 times a week so this is going to be the most drastic change for us. And as a huge bonus I'll get to spend 5 more hours a week with Sidney! Yes I actually counted how many hours with nap times factored in... So now I just have to work out when I can leave 4Central with my manager and then it's off to nursing paradise! Woohooooo!

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1 comment:

Procters said...

One of my student's dad works in Cardiac Rehab! Congratulations!!! I worked at MCH before we had kids. I was in Social Services, but would still have to put in 10-12 hour days sometimes.